Petition support


1. I have an idea and wish to petition on a community concern – What can I do?

2. How to start a petition which has impact on both individual and community?

3. Creat your own petition

4. Share on social media

5. Build momentum

6. Media engagement

7. Your Decision Maker 

8. Declare Victory



1. I have an idea and wish to petition on a community concern – What can I do?

Creating a high-quality petition gives you the best chance of achieving the change you want. By including a memorable headline, a compelling image, carefully selecting your decision maker and using strong storytelling, you can create a petition that will grow support for your cause and win.

HopeCom realises there are amazing ideas from both support team and the community member. Each member can start hs own petition at anytime  by using our petition platform on 

Visit and follow guidelines, you can creat then share your petition among your friends, family imediately.


2. How to start a petition which has impact on both individual and community?

For detailed of Tips and information you can click the link below:


3. Creat your own petition

Each petition has its own features, however, most of the successful ones have similar components as following:

Build the best possible petition by following these guidelines:

Write your headline

• Choose your Decision Maker

• Tell your story

• Choose an image or add a video

a) Write your headline

Your headline is your first opportunity to engage readers with your petition and make it clear what change you want.

- Be brief: Your headline is the one thing that people will see on social media. So try to keep it to less than ten words, and make sure it makes sense on its own.

Example: "Stop dumping trash into ocean"

  - Focus on the solution: Readers want to know specifically what change you want to make so they can decide whether to sign your petition. Your headline is the place to focus on the solution. 

Example: "Build more toilets for primary school"

- Use a hook: Get people’s attention by making your headline emotional and urgent. Make it clear who is affected and why you care. If there are key dates or time pressure on your petition, include that information too. 

Example: "Save little Mai Hoa with urgent heart treatment" 

b) Choose your Decision Maker

By including an email address for the right decision makers, you can let them know about your petition and give readers confidence that your petition can win.

Pick people, not a group or organization

Unlike an organization, you can hold people directly accountable. Make your decision maker the person or people within an organization who are responsible for your solution or who you need to convince. For example “Mayor John ” rather than “Halong City Government.”

Choose someone directly responsible

It’s better to target the people who can give you what you want rather than more senior, public figures. Someone directly responsible can make a decision and implement your solution faster. They are also more sensitive to public pressure because they aren’t used to it.

Include their email will automatically notify your decision maker when a petition is set up and when it gets signatures. So it’s important to include the right email address. To find it you can:

1. Use internet searches and check inside PDF documents like conference presentations or board papers.

2. Use the company email convention and try variations. The email that doesn’t bounce is right!

3. Call and ask!

 c)  Tell your story 

A good movie grabs and holds our attention because it includes all the elements of successful storytelling. Petitions are no different. 

Describe your petition's "main characters"

Introduce the people in your story and tell us what is interesting about them. Characters drive the story forward through their actions, and we have empathy when they are actively seeking solutions.

Goals and obstacles

Make it clear what your characters want for the future and the obstacles that stand in their way. We are interested in characters who strive to achieve something even though it is difficult for them.



What do we hope for in the story and what do we fear? The higher and more concrete the stakes, the more compelling the story, so make it clear what happens if you win and what happens if you lose.

d) Choose an image or add a video

Along with your headline, your image or video will be the first thing that readers see. Your image or video is also the image that will be seen when people share your petition on social media.

Show emotion

A great photo captures the emotion of your petition and tells a story in an instant. Photos of people or animals work well.

Add a video

Free video creation tools like Adobe Spark now allow you to make videos with ease. Adobe Spark walks you through how to tell your campaign story, edits your video, and then gives you everything you need to distribute it. Give it a try then upload your video to your petition page. 

A bigger image is better

Try to upload photos that are 1600 x 900 pixels or larger so they look good on all screen sizes.

Look for photos online

The best photo is one that you own. But if you don’t have a photo, you can search sites like Flickr or Google Images. Use the advanced search options to find large size images that the creator has licensed for reuse.


4. Share on social media

 Now that you’ve created a petition you’ll need to gain more signatures to build awareness and support for your cause. So what are the best way to do this?


After creating your petition, we provide an easy way to share your petition on Facebook and Twitter with’s social media sharing tools.

Simply log in to your petition, and use the “Share this petition” button on the left. Choose whether you want it to be shared on Twitter or Facebook, and your petition will automatically be posted to your friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter.

We recommend using this tool more than once to get your petition the most exposure possible on Facebook and Twitter. Just log in to your petition and click "Share this petition" to post it again. You can also add a personal message to the post to give your followers an update. 

In addition to sharing your petition on your own social media profiles, you can:

• Join Facebook groups related to your petition topic or location and share it there

• Join online message boards related to your topic or location and share

• Link to your petition in the comment section of related news articles

• Tweet directly at influencers and ask them to retweet

Email your petition

Like sharing to social media, emailing your friends and family about your petition and asking them to sign is a great way build support and gain signatures. 

Asking your friends and family to sign and share your petition is the absolute best way to build momentum for your petition. Not only do they know and support you, their signatures show how important this campaign is to you and your community.  

Here’s a sample message:


I just signed the petition "Help Save Our Daughter XuanMai" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Our goal is to reach 200,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:



Send a petition update

Our Petition Update tool is one of the most effective ways not only to get more signatures, but also to keep your supporters updated and encourage them to take action to win your campaign.

Our top three tips for using Petition Updates to help win your petition

1. Update your supporters every single time something happens in your campaign

Remember they signed your petition because they really care, so they will want to know what happens next. If you’ve got something valuable to share, send it, even if it’s every day. But at least share some news once every week.

2. There are many reasons to post an update, try to use each of these in your campaign:

• Share media coverage or news stories that relate to the campaign

• Ask your supporters for advice or contacts that will help win the petition

• Tell them when you’ve been in contact with the Decision Maker

• Ask your supporters to help your campaign in some other way, like donating to a Crowdfunder, posting on the decision maker’s Facebook page, or tweeting at them

3. Always ask your supporters to do something in support of your petition when you send an update. Here are a few examples:

• “Read and share this news article so more people hear about our campaign”

• “Leave a comment if you have ideas for how we can win the petition”

• “Tweet at the decision maker”

Join a conversation on social media

Is your decision maker hosting an online conversation, or is there a Twitter conversation going on around your issue marked with a specific hashtag? To get attention from your campaign, start using the hashtag yourself to spread the word.


Create a hashtag for your campaign

Are you fighting a longer-term campaign, one that many groups and individuals might want to tweet about? Create a hashtag for your campaign so that supporters can follow the campaign updates and talk to one another on social media.

For events and actions, hashtags should be as short as possible, and should be spread widely in advance. Abbreviations and acronyms are okay (Example: #AP20 for Air Polution conference 2020). For branding a campaign, hashtags can be a little longer to allow for full words, and potentially, the decision maker's name.



5. Build momentum

So what if you’ve created a compelling petition and collected signatures, but your decision maker won’t budge? It’s time to use your power to build momentum for change.

Start by understanding what your decision maker cares about and what is most likely to influence them. Then engage your supporters to take action together to influence them. That way you can put pressure on your decision maker to act.

• Know your Decision Maker

• Plan your tactics

• Tactics bank


Know your Decision Maker

Reputational support

• How does your decision maker want people to see them?

• Whose opinion does your decision maker care about?

• What news headline or celebrity statement would make them furious?

Economic support

• Who are their donors or funders?

• Who lends them money or invests in their business?

• Who are their customers, constituents, suppliers, and workers?

Moral support


• Whose moral authority does your decision maker care about?

• Who are the respected moral leaders in their community?

• Who can provide moral clarity by taking a position on the issue?

Position support

• Who appointed them and can replace them?

• Who has the power to direct them to make a change?

• Whose support do they rely on to continue in their position?

Plan your tactics

Once you know what your decision maker cares about, you can plan tactics to engage your supporters to help you win.

Start with actions and asks for your petition signers that are simple and easy for them to do. As your campaign gains momentum you can ask signers to take actions that are more challenging, and can have more impact. As your signers learn more about your campaign and become more invested, they will be willing to do more to help.

When you make your campaign plan, think about any dates that are relevant to your petition like meetings, hearings or decisions, holidays and cultural events and even the weather. For example, you could:

• Ask supporters to call your decision maker in the week before a meeting

• Plan a Father’s Day action for a petition around funding men’s health services

• Plan an outdoor rally in Boston in June rather than January. Brrr!

Don’t be afraid to adjust your plan to take advantage of unexpected opportunities too. For example, a big news story related to your petition or a response by your decision maker are great moments to ask your signers to take action. Be ready to act quickly if an opportunity comes up.

The petition update tool is an important tool that you can use to ask signers to take action on your petition


Tactics bank

The types of tactics that you can use are limited only by your imagination, but here are some ideas to get you started.

• Easy, introductory online actions

• Higher commitment, more impactful actions

• Highest commitment, highest impact actions


Easy, introductory online actions

• Share your petition and ask their friends and family to sign

• Share an article on your petition on social media

• Tweet at a decision maker or post on their Facebook wall

• Join or create a Facebook group for the campaign

• Email the decision maker directly about your petition

• Email the investors, partners, customers or supporters of your decision maker about your petition

• Take a survey to create data about your issue

• Share a message of support

• Write an online review about the decision maker, for example on Yelp

• Write a letter to the editor about your issue

• Use an online complaints or feedback form

• Ask signers to email you their personal story about the issue to use in lobbying meetings or media

Higher commitment, more impactful actions

• Call talk radio about your issue

• Take a photo for the campaign

• Join a conference call briefing on your petition

• Distribute stickers about the campaign

• Ask signers to change their social media profile photo to a campaign image

• Ask signers to record a video message to the decision maker

• Do a local delivery of the petition or a letter, for example to a Senator’s office or store

• Phone a decision maker at their office

• Send an object or gift to a Decision Maker

• Ask signers to donate to buy a billboard, print ad or sky writing about the petition

• Phone an ally or opponent of your decision maker to publicly support the petition

• Host a stunt at the office of your decision maker such as a nurse-in

• Host a rally or vigil about your petition

• Attend a meeting with an investor, partner, customer or supporter of your Decision Maker

• Attend a delivery of your petition with a delegation of your supporters

Highest commitment, highest impact actions

• Ask your Decision Maker a question at a public event

• Hold a web broadcast about the petition

• Write and submit an opinion piece about your petition to a newspaper

• Offer professional services like graphic design, website design, or video production

• Speak at a public forum like a school board or city council meeting

• Ask signers to start their own petition targeting a local decision maker

• Create a social media share graphic about your petition, for example using quotes from signers

• Have a lobbying meeting with a person who is influential with your decision maker to tell them about your petition

• Disrupt a public meeting, for example by unrolling a banner while your decision maker is speaking

• Turn up at the Decision Maker’s public events in a costume

• Hold your own rally or vigil about your petition

• Create a video about the petition to send to your Decision Maker and  share online

6. Media engagement

Getting coverage in the media for your petition is a great way to grow your support and win the change that you are seeking.  

Decision makers are sensitive to media coverage, so getting a story about your petition can be a great way to influence them. Here are four steps to getting that coverage:

• Step 1: Craft your press story

• Step 2: Pitch reporters

• Step 3: Ace the interview

• Step 4: Make the most of media


Step 1: Craft your press story

You can link your story to something that is being covered on the news right now, mention an upcoming deadline or decision, or link your petition to a calendar event like a holiday.

Timing is everything

You’ll need to show why your petition is important right now. You can link your story to something that is being covered on the news right now or you can mention an upcoming deadline or decision or link your petition to a calendar event like a holiday. You can also demonstrate momentum, for example by saying “This petition is taking off! It has been signed 500 times in the last 24 hours.”

Location matters

Explain how your petition is relevant to the area the reporter covers by finding local angles and targeting reporters near you.

Explain why the story is important

The more people affected by an issue, the more compelling the story. Say how many people are impacted by the problem you’re trying to solve.

Tell a compelling story

Petitions that tell the personal stories behind a campaign make the best news stories. So include a story about love, loss or family. Mention any celebrity engagement like signing or tweeting your petition. Highlight the elements that will make your story appealing to readers.

Highlight photos, videos, and events

Photos, video, and live audio help make a story engaging. Include any photos, videos or audio related to your petition, and make sure to mention any events that might be opportunities to capture great content like hearings, stunts or speeches. Just don’t clog up reporters’ inboxes with large files!

Make sure you have proof

Some reporters may want to fact check your story. Make sure you have any documents, emails, video or contact information for credible people who can back up your story.


Step 2: Pitch reporters

Once you know what your story for the press is, the next step is to get it in front of reporters.

Do your homework

Find out which reporters are covering your issue or are most likely to be interested in your petition. Read your local papers, listen to radio, watch the news and use internet searches to help find interested reporters.


Email first

Send a short email to introduce yourself and bring your petition to their attention.


Follow up

If you haven’t heard back after a few hours, you could give the reporter or the news desk a call or tweet them to get their attention.

Be persistent

It’s not uncommon to send a pitch to ten or twenty journalists to get a single story. Make sure you listen to the responses from reporters, refine your pitch and try again in a week or two with any updated information on the progress of your petition.

Monitor the media

Sometimes journalists will write a story based on what you send them without contacting you back. Make sure you don’t miss any coverage by watching the news and setting up a Google alert.


Step 3: Ace the interview

Many journalists will want to talk to you for a story. Journalists love to talk to regular people with a sincere passion and connection to a story. Whether it’s for print, radio or television, these tips will help you get your message across.

Have three key points

When you know what you want to say, you can get your message across no matter what questions you are asked. Decide in advance the three key points you want to make and practice answering interview questions by bringing the conversation back to your points.

Mention your petition

Make sure you mention your petition and the number of signatures. It adds credibility and helps you grow support. It also helps people who want to sign your petition to find it on the site.


Step 4: Make the most of media

Media coverage is great on it's own, but these simple actions can help you increase impact.

Say thanks!

Follow up with a brief thank you note to the reporter and include any updated information about your petition. If they feel appreciated and kept in the loop, they’ll be more likely to cover your story again.

Update your supporters

Media coverage is exciting, so make sure you update your supporters. You can also share your media coverage on social media and ask your supporters to do the same to get more attention.

Send stories to your Decision Maker

Forwarding press coverage to your decision maker in a short email can help you get a meeting or convince your decision maker to act.

Use media to get more media

Forwarding a local story on to a regional or national outlet along with your pitch can help you get broader coverage for your petition.



7. Your Decision Maker 

You've created a petition that’s now backed by a crowd of supporters. Now it's time to connect directly with the decision maker who can implement that change.

To get the change you want to see, it's time to connect directly with the decision maker who can implement that change. Email, message or call and ask for a phone or in-person meeting. If your decision maker refuses to meet with you, don’t worry. There are other ways to get your message to them. If you’re not sure which person can give you what you want, check out these tips on choosing the right decision-maker. 

Here are the steps to connect and engage with your decision maker:

• Step 1: Request a meeting

• Step 2: Prepare for the conversation

• Step 3: Explain what you want

• Step 4: Follow up


Step 1: Request a meeting

Always ask for a meeting -- in person or on the phone -- with your decision maker. If they won’t meet with you, get their attention by doing a petition delivery.

Request a meeting with the primary “decider” on your issue

Governments, companies, and other institutions are often complex, and the person in charge may not be the person who actually decides to give you what you’re asking for. Do research and ask questions until you get the name of the person who can help you. That’s who you should meet with.

Make use of assistants and staff

If you’re petitioning a government official or company executive, it may be hard to find their direct contact information. Search the website for contact information for staff or executive assistants who might be able to help you.

Tell your supporters about your meeting

Once you have a meeting (or a petition delivery) scheduled, let your supporters know. They’ll be excited to support you, and making a meeting public helps keep your decision maker accountable for attending.

Step 2: Prepare for the conversation

A conversation with your decision maker could be your big chance to make the change you want, so it's a great idea to prepare.

Practice with a friend

Practice the conversation ahead of time with a friend so you’re comfortable talking about your petition. Note relevant facts and details. Check out some suggested replies to common decision maker statements here.

Identify what you’re willing to negotiate

Most of the time, change-making includes some negotiation. Decide ahead of time what you’re willing to negotiate and what you’re not. Be honest with your decision maker about what is negotiable and be willing to listen to their proposals.

Bring your petition with you

Print your petition or download a digital copy onto a flash drive or CD and bring it with you. Being able to show the decision-maker the signatures and comments of your supporters is a powerful argument.


Step 3: Explain what you want

Ask for something clear and specific

Ask for something concrete. For example “Give animals at least 6 square feet of space” rather than “Treat animals better.” You should be know clearly whether or not your decision maker has taken the action you’ve requested.

Tell your story

Explain why this issue is important to you and how it affects you. If there are inspiring comments from your signers, share those as well. Tell your decision maker how proud and happy you and your supporters will be if they give you what you’re asking for. 


Stay true to your petition but be open to hearing their side of the story. Sometimes decision makers will have solutions you didn’t know were possible.

Tell them what happens next

Explain what you’ll do to keep trying to win your petition if you don’t get a response, like emailing more supporters, talking with the media, and holding events.

Agree on next steps

Write down actions you or the decision maker agrees to take and repeat them back at the end of the conversation. Agree on a timeline for all actions.


Step 4: Follow up

Send a thank you message

After the conversation, send a thank-you message to the decision maker and recap the conversation, including the next steps you decided on. This is a good opportunity to show that you and your supporters are committed to your cause.

Update your signers about the meeting

Send a message to your supporters to tell them how the meeting went and what you need them to do next. In some cases, you might want to reach back out to the media and tell them what happened in the meeting. 

Hold your decision maker accountable

Set reminders on your calendar to follow up with your decision maker and make sure they’re doing what they said they would.

Plan your next steps!

Based on the outcome of the meeting, decide what to do next. If you’re decision maker agreed to do what you asked for, declare victory and tell your supporters the good news. If they refused, ask your supporters for ideas to change their mind. If they’re working on a solution, stay in touch with them and the people who are cheering for you.


8. Declare Victory

Congrats Changemaker! You did it -- you’ve made real change. Now it’s time to let all the people who helped you get there know how you won.

Declare victory on your petition only after a concrete change has been made. Sometimes, the final solution looks a bit different than what you originally asked for, and that’s ok. If you feel like it’s a win, declare victory. If there’s something else you want to ask for, you can always start another petition.

• How to declare victory

• After you declare victory


How to declare victory

We’ve created a tool to help you share your victory with your supporters.  

4. Thank your supporters in your victory post, and let them know how much you appreciate their help. We’ll send an email to your signers with your post telling them about your victory. The post will also be featured on your petition page.

5. 4. Share your victory on Facebook , Twitter, Zalo using our “share your petition” tool

After you declare victory

After you’ve told your supporters the good news, there are a few final steps to your petition.

Send a thank you to your Decision Maker

Send a thank you email or *gasp* a handwritten note to your decision maker and let them know what the change means to you and your supporters. This is a good opportunity to show that you and your supporters are committed to your cause and the change you negotiated for.

Tell your media contacts

Was your petition featured in the media? Be sure to reach out to the journalists that wrote about it and let them know of your victory! Tell them how you got there and thank them if they supported it.

After your victory

Creating change doesn’t have to stop after your victory! We encourage you to continue to stay in touch with your supporters by sending petitions updates (link to petition update page) if there are new developments about the issue. Some other great next steps are:

• Start another petition asking a different decision makers to make a similar changes

• Encourage your friends and family to start their own petition on an issue they care about.

• Help other petition starters win their petitions


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