171 have signed.

Cộng Đồng Hopecom
171 Signed
First of all, thank you so much for joining and supporting the HopeCom community!
Connecting the community is the first step to start a meaningful new year in the era of Internet of Things.
Connecting by telling your friends, relatives, strangers or others ideas with you ..., connection can also be any work that shows love, kindness, charity or compassion.
Please share the community connection stories in the Comments section below. It can be a story that inspired you, tell your friends and family to share so that the good things are spread in the community!
Charitable programs - petitions have been SUCCESSFUL
1. Hat LuU health station is approved to build clean water pipes for medical examination and treatment.
"Join hands to bring clean water to the health station, contributing to health care for thousands of households in Hat Luy Commune " View details: http://hopecom.org/petition/xay-lap-duong-ong-va-chua-nuoc-sach-cho-tram-xa-hat-luu/
2. Proposing the National Assembly to amend the Law on Breeding, 2018 to prevent dog and cat theft and animal protection (7,142 support signatures)
VICTORY: On November 19, 2018, the National Assembly voted to approve the Livestock Law. Accordingly, this Law takes effect from January 1, 2020, including 08 chapters and 83 articles. In which Chapter V - Humanitarian treatment of animals consists of 4 articles detailing the guarantee of livestock protection and humane treatment. See details: https://clevervietnam.com/en/petition/propose-congress-to-amend-the-2018-livestock-law-to-prevent-dog-and-cat-theft-and-barbaric-violence-against-animals
3. Petition for Prisoner Dang Van Hien A Chance to avoid Dead penalty (8,025 signatures of support)
“Ngày 17-7, Văn phòng Chủ tịch nước đã có công văn số 847/VPCTN-PL thông báo ý kiến của Chủ tịch nước CHXHCN Việt nam yêu cầu Chánh án TAND Tối cao, Viện trưởng VKSND Tối cao phối hợp với Bộ Công an chỉ đạo, kiểm tra việc điều tra, truy tố, xét xử vụ án và báo cáo Chủ tịch nước” Đây là thành công bước đầu quan trọng của của kiến nghị cứu xét cho Đặng Văn Hiến.Tin vui với gia đình và cả cộng đồng chúng ta! Chúc mừng những trái tim ấm áp và nhân hậu! Xin cảm ơn Chủ tịch nước và các cơ quan thẩm quyền đã quan tâm bao dung xem xét Bản kiến nghị. Xem chi tiết
On July 17, the President's Office issued an official Letter No. 847 / VPCTN-PL announcing the order of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to request the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court and the Chairman of the Supreme People's Procuracy to coordinate with the Ministry of Public security to directs and inspect the investigation, prosecution, trial of the case and report to the President. ”This is an important early success of the petition for Dang Van Hien. Good news for our community! Congratulations to the warm and kind hearts! Thanks to the President and the competent authorities for their consideration and consideration of the petition. See details: https://hopecom.org/petition/kien-nghi-giam-cho-dang-van-hien-mot-co-hoi-hoan-luong/
4. Little boyTô Mạnh Hùng was given the opportunity to treat malignant disease at the Central Lung Hospital
HopeCom community and benefactors have contributed the donation to help Hung in time for his treatment and recovery. See details: http://hopecom.org/petition/chau-manh-hung-duoc-chua-tri-benh-som
5. Lo Van Suong was funded to treat tuberculosis
Suong was cured by the doctors in a timely manner, the results have recovered very well and was discharged from the hospital and returned to the community. see more: http://hopecom.org/petition/chau-lo-van-suong-rat-yeu-can-dieu-tri-khan-cap/
6. Emergency Petition for Defendant Le Ngoc Hoang (21,378 signatures supporting)
SUCCESS for driver Hoang, success for the community!
On November 30, 2018, the Supreme Court of Judges opened a trial of cassation review of the Innova container truck case on the highway, causing 4 deaths due to the appeal of the Chief Justice of the High Court. As a result, the Supreme Court of Judges Council accepted the appeal, canceled the judgments and decisions of the People's Court of Thai Nguyen province that already took legal effect, to re-investigate in accordance with the law.
See more: https://hopecom.org/petition/don-kien-nghi-va-keu-cuu-khan-cap-cho-bi-cao-le-ngoc-hoang/
And there are many community charitable programs and recommendations that have been successful here: https://clevervietnam.com/en/petition?v=success
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